Charity - The Silent Bleed
I've worked closely with this organisation since it was set up over two years ago. It takes care of people with the rare neurological condition Superficial Siderosis. My role includes:
navigating UK charity law, creating documents such as the governing and policy documents and the formal charity application
consumer copy to support sufferers, raise funds and raise awareness - on-line and printed materials
the condition is very rare and information is skant, stretching my research skills
it would be very easy to be negative about a degenerative neurological condition, my brief is to keep things up-beat, compassionate, sensitive
Trusteeship - once we're through the application process

Getting ahead of Superficial Siderosis

Milton Keynes pyjama run December 2014

A funky fundraiser for The Silent Bleed
Site brief:
To create an uplifting, informative site for the charity. To process medical research into terms that the public can easily understand. To convey the seriousness of the disease without being alarming or sensational. To motivate others to join in fundraising and other charity activities and encourage people to support each other.
To process and present the charity's Q&A service with the world's leading authority on Superficial Siderosis.
To transfer material from the charity's old website and re-present it in a more user-friendly style.
To update the site with new research and charity activity.
The design elements of the site are currently being updated.